Family,  Life

Why You Owe Your Mom Everything: She Really Is The Best!

Sharing is caring!

Being a Mom is hard. I mean trying to make it to the Olympics, hard. Except in this case, you’re competing to try and get an ounce of sleep, actually get your picky eater to eat anything besides junk food, and not get pooped on in the middle of the night when you can’t even see what you’re doing. Fun times. Seriously though, trying to get my son to eat is like an extreme sport. Every meal is an uphill battle, and let me tell you, I’m usually the one defeated.

There’s no guidelines given to you for being a Mom. There is no handbook saying, “Do this and don’t do that!” Nope. We’re on our own, Sisters. You think you’re on the struggle bus, well guess what? I’m probably the driver.

Growing up (and I still do think this), I thought of my Mom as super woman. She stayed home with my two brothers and I until we started school. Let me just say, I am a stay-at-home Mom right now, and it is a JOB! The hardest job I have ever done in my life. I’m not in any way saying that working Mom’s have it easy. In fact, I applaud you, because I know it would be so hard for me to leave my baby, work all day, and then come home to laundry piled up, the dishes piled high in the sink, needing to cook supper, and it’s almost bed time. Y’all are truly amazing! I saw what it was like for my Mom to start working and have to balance everything out between that and seeing about us with school, sports, church, and whatever else we did. Whether you stay home or work full time, there’s one thing we can all agree on, being a Mom is just hard.

My brothers and I with our sweet Mom.

There’s one thing my Mom always told us growing up, and we would always roll our eyes, because we heard it a million times. She would say, “You’ll never understand until you have kids of your own.” Boy, was she right! Now that I have a child of my own, I look back on everything she did for us, and I am so grateful. She did so much for all three of us. She took care of us when we were sick, got us in line when we needed it, told us when we were wrong, forgave us when we would upset her, and on the days she felt like she couldn’t go on any longer, she kept going, for us. I know that now. I understand, and I still have so much more to learn as my son, Austin, grows.

Me with my “mini me.”

When you’re a child, you don’t really think about all of the things that your parents do for you. They are your parents, so they are supposed to do them for you, right? Now raising a child of my own, I get it. Mama was so right. You do and you do for them, and they don’t really see how much you do, but it’s alright, because you’re their Mom, and you love them. So you do, and you do, and you do…and when you’re running on fumes, you still do for them. It’s in our nature to love and protect. Being a mother is the hardest, most rewarding job. Every day is a challenge, but it’s also a blessing.

We all make mistakes. We learn from them, and then make more mistakes. Some days I feel like a total failure as a Mom, but then I remember how I looked at my Mom on the days she probably felt the same way. Through my eyes, she could do it all. I saw no flaws. She could fix any problem, mend my broken heart, be my nurse, and whip somebody into shape for messing with me, all before lunch time. That woman did not play when it came to her children. Even now that we are grown, she still doesn’t play.

For instance, a few weeks ago one of my doctor’s told me I would have to wait on something ( I won’t go into details in this post, because it’s way off subject and a long story) that I was originally told would be done immediately. Just to give you a little understanding, I have several health things going on right now and no one knows specifically what they are. Meanwhile, I’m playing the waiting game while I’m slightly miserable with no answers. I am 27 years old and don’t even live in the same town as my Mama, and was scared to make that phone call to her. I KNEW she would drive over here and raise some cane about her baby girl. Y’all think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not. She will really do it. So I went about my business acting normal when I spoke to her and thankfully, it didn’t come up. She ended up bringing it up over the weekend, so when she did find out, she had time to simmer down before Monday rolled around and their office opened back up. Thank you, Jesus!

There’s no telling what’s going on here. You never know with us. Mama probably started it. Her laugh is contagious!
Photo: Brauda Studios

Sometimes, Austin makes me want to pull my hair out. He is my only child, and some days I’m barely hanging on. She did it with three of us, and I still can’t wrap my head around it. Every time Austin does something to make me feel like I’m going to lose my mind, I think, “I love my Mama so much.” Then I call her and tell her to come get her wayward grandchild, because I just can’t deal. That’s another thing, I’m thankful for her as my Mom, but as Austin’s Meme, my heart literally wants to burst with how happy I am that he has her. She is the best Meme, and I’ll just add that to the list of why I owe her everything.

Meme and Austin.

I’m grateful for both of our parents. They sacrificed a lot for us so that we could have what they never did. But as a Mother, there’s a lot you don’t get recognized for. There’s so much we do that goes unnoticed from day to day. There are some nights we don’t get one minute of sleep, only to get up the next day and continue with work, chores, errands, and little humans that solely depend on us. We kiss boo-boo’s, change diapers, cook, clean, act as a chauffeur, and everything in between. Through doing all of that, I never once heard my Mom complain about taking care of us.

We do these things out of love, and most times without any acknowledgment or a single thank you. To my Mom: THANK YOU!!!

Thank you for loving me and taking care of me, even on the days I made you want to pull your hair out. Thank you for not only loving me, but showing me how to love others and have compassion. Thank you for showing me how to forgive, even when it’s hard, and for making the best of things beyond my control. And for the love of sweet Jesus, thank you for sparing my life when I decided it was a good idea to paint my white bedroom furniture with bright colored nail polish.

Proof that she allowed me to live and see my future after said nail polish party with my furniture.

My Mom. She’s the best woman I know. I know she’s not perfect, but who is? That’s what makes her so special to me. Even through all of her imperfections, she’s still the perfect Mom to me. I dread the day when I will no longer be able to pick the phone up and call her just to laugh. Yes, we really do that. Literally, if something funny happens, we will call one another and not say a word. No hello or what are you doing, just unending laughter, and we understand each other. That’s just part of the special and close relationship we have. No words are needed. I thank God every day for giving me to her. He could have picked anyone to be my Mom, and he picked her. She’s my Mom, my best friend, and my person.

My Mom and I on my Wedding Day.
Photo: Brauda Studios

So to all of you who are still able to, pick up the phone and call your Mom. Tell her thank you for all that she has done for you, and tell her you love her. She deserves the best, and she deserves to know that you notice all she has done, and that you appreciate her. You owe it all to her. She really is the best!

Sharing is caring!


  • Lisa

    Thank you sweet babygirl! I’ve read this with laughter, tears, and a heart full of gratefulness. I am so proud of you! So many times I wish I could pick up the phone and just hear my Mama’s voice one more time and that she was still here so I could show her how much I love her. Thank you for always showing me how much you love me, because you’ve never made me doubt that. I love you more!

  • Dawn

    Wonderful story. My mom is in heaven. I have 2 daughters and a son and numerous grandchildren. I could relate to everything you wrote. Congratulations on your blog. I’m working on starting one soon to help teachers.

  • Debbie

    Thank you for sharing about your BEAUTIFUL MOM❤❤❤YES,wish I could call mine, I sure miss her deeply. Love you and you go mini Lisa😁😃😙😗

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