Faith,  Life

Overcoming Your Fears and Knowing Your Worth

Sharing is caring!

All of my life, I have cared about what other people think about me. I have worried if people would like me or not for the choices I have made. It’s just who I am….or should I say, who I was. I am finally learning that it doesn’t matter what other people think as long as I am happy. It’s my life and I’m in charge of it. Not my family, not my friends, not the people who think they know me, and certainly not the random lady in the grocery store who thought she could give her two cents on what I should and shouldn’t do as a new Mom. That really burned my biscuits, but we’ll save that story for another time.

We are all doing our best in this life. We all have decisions to make, and a lot of times that comes with a certain standard of how we should make them. Guess what? Other people’s opinion of you does not matter. I repeat. IT DOES NOT MATTER! Just be yourself and don’t worry about what others think. Let me tell you why: I promise you, that if you are stewing over someone else’s opinion of you or stressing out about what someone has said about you, they are not giving you a second thought. That’s right….you are stressing over what someone else said and they have long since forgotten about it. Why let someone get to you like that? It’s just not worth it.

Which brings me to why I am even on here today typing this. I’m following my dreams and I’m not letting anyone get in the way of it. I talked myself out of creating this blog at least 1528 times. Okay, I didn’t really keep count, but it feels like it was that many times, if not more. I told myself I wasn’t good enough, that no one cares if I do this, and no one will like it or read it…among many other negative things. I tore myself down until I started to completely push the thought out of my head. If it wasn’t there, I wouldn’t worry or stress about it. Maybe no one will like my blog or even read it, but how will I know if I don’t try?

I’m doing this for myself anyway. It’s something I just need and want to do. It’s not selfish to think about yourself and your own happiness. I can tell you this; since starting this blog (even though as I’m typing this, I haven’t launched it yet), I have been so much happier. And because of that, I’m a better Wife and Mom. That’s why it’s not selfish for me to think of myself and my happiness. I’m doing this for my family as well.

Sometime last year, my Mom called me and told me I should have a blog. I had never even mentioned that I wanted to do this, not even to my husband, because I figured I would never do it anyway. My Mom told me I would be great at it and I needed to do it. I know, I know….she’s my Mom, of course she would say I’d be great at it. She thinks I’m great at everything….except being quiet. She tells me I was born talking and haven’t hushed since. What’s even worse about her telling me I would be great at it, is I didn’t believe her. I still doubted myself. I did some research on how to start a blog, got excited about it, and then shut the idea back down again. I went a few months without even entertaining the thought.

And then one day, I decided I was going to do it. I talked to Dustin about it and he told me to go for it if it’s what I wanted to do and it would make me happy. I love him so much. He supports me with any idea I ever have, no matter how crazy it may sound, and I have had plenty.

Then it hit me….there is no one in this world who loves me more than my husband and my own mother. If they believed in me, then why couldn’t I believe in myself? It’s because I was worried what people who don’t already love me, and don’t even know me, would think about me. I was also worried about what those who do know me would even think. Yes, my own family and friends. Will they think I’m crazy? Will they think I don’t have what it takes? I sat here and worried about imaginary opinions. What does it matter if those opinions do come to light? Why do we let other people hinder our goals and dreams? Why do we let them get in the way of making decisions for ourselves that will ultimately make us happy?

The truth is, they are not in your way. You are the only person standing in your own way. Ohhh, I went there. If you will just quit bringing yourself down for just one minute and let all the possibilities of what you could be doing seep into your mind, you could do BIG things! I’m talking to myself here, too. So here I am….making decisions that make me happy. This is me not giving in to what others (may or may not) think and going after what I’m passionate about. I will not apologize for who I am. This is the real me, and I’m happy.

This is me loving myself for once. I matter, too. It’s okay to make yourself a priority. It is not selfish, but a necessity. Only you can make the decision for yourself to be happy, to move forward, and to go after what you want. I’m not turning back. I’m moving forward and staying positive. I deserve to be happy, and so do you.

Don’t let other people or yourself get in the way of your happiness. I’ve always been a professional people pleaser and that’s one thing I’ve always disliked about myself. It’s also a huge reason why I have spent my whole life worrying about things and stressing about other’s opinions. It’s okay to say no, and it’s alright to do what’s best for you and your family. I can hardly stand it when someone is mad or upset with me, but I’m learning that if they are upset with me because I said a simple no or because of the decisions I’m making that don’t line up with what they want, they don’t have my best interests anyway.

I’ve come to learn that when someone else has a negative opinion of me or something to say about me that isn’t nice, it’s because they aren’t happy with themselves. It comes from a place of bitterness. I actually feel bad for those people. If we could just learn to let go of things instead of holding onto them, we would have more room in our lives to become greater. We would have more room for self love, compassion for others, and goals to achieve dreams beyond our imaginations.

Don’t ever give up on your dreams. Who knows? Maybe I won’t succeed at doing what I love, but I’m willing to put in the work and try. You can’t fail at something if you don’t try to begin with. Whether I succeed or not, I am happy because I’m following my dreams and I am happy with the choices I am making for myself and my family. Fear always rears its’ ugly head when it means becoming vulnerable and letting others see the real you. I think fear is one of the biggest reasons most people don’t chase their dreams. Fear of failure. Fear of other’s opinions. Fear of rejection. Fear of the unknown. I’m here to tell you to kick that fear square in the face! You are enough! You were made to do something more with your life, whatever that may be.

It doesn’t mean you have to go start a blog (unless you want to). That’s not at all what I’m saying. It could be something else, like getting out of the house to do something you normally wouldn’t do, changing your hair style, trying to eat better, going back to school, or whatever you want! Who cares what anyone thinks? It’s your life. It’s your decision. Overcome your fears and just go for it.

I know that’s easier said than done, but look at me! I now have a blog that I created on my own, not knowing anything about it. Seriously, I went into this pretty much blind. I did a lot of research to try and teach myself and I’ve been taking baby steps each day so I don’t overwhelm myself. Is it a lot of work? Yes. Is it hard? Absolutely. Does it take a lot of time and effort? Yes. But if you’re working towards something you’re passionate about, then it’s worth it, and so much fun. I’ve put so many hours into creating this blog, but I have enjoyed every step of the way, because this is my passion.

I’ve never heard of anyone regretting doing what they love and being happy. You’ve got this! Believe in yourself and never give up. Stay positive and keep pushing forward. Don’t stress over what others may or may not think about you. Their opinion doesn’t matter! It only matters what you think about yourself. Do you see yourself as happy? If you answered no, it’s time to make a change, even if it means that others will talk about you. Here’s the thing…people are going to talk about you whether you are sitting their doing absolutely nothing or running after your dreams. It’s the world we live in. Someone will ALWAYS have an opinion. So chase those dreams, and don’t look back.

What’s one fear (big or small) that you would like to overcome?

Sharing is caring!


  • Debra

    I LOVED this. It is so me. I have lived my whole life this way. Oh how I pray for the strength to get over what others think and just be HAPPY! Love you, Britt!

    • Brittany

      Thank you, Aunt Debra! This has always been my biggest struggle. I’ve gotten so much better with it, but I’m still trying to make progress each day. Love you, too!

  • Judy Edwards

    Brittany, I am so proud of you. You always impress me with everything you do. This blog is a wonderful idea and I love it and you. Don’t you ever worry about what other people think of you, just continue being your true sweet self.

      • Nanny B

        I have enjoyed reading all on this Blog and I’m so proud of you. You can do anything you want and be happy with this! Have know all your family for a long time and they are all so dear to me. Dustin made a great choice in choosing you for his wife! Keep on dong what makes you happy and we support you fully sweet girl! Papa and me love you.

  • Candice Petrea

    I LOVE this!! I have always worried about what people think about me. ALWAYS. I’m learning that fear is a huge liar and you are 100% right. This whole article is. I’m so proud of you!!!

    • Brittany

      Thanks Candice! This has always been one of my biggest struggles too. I’m learning that it’s not worth the stress and my happiness. You are so right! Fear is a liar and it’s hard to overcome when you do worry about everything. I only wish I would have learned this sooner in life.

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