Family,  Life

Forever Daddy’s Little Girl

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If there’s one thing my Dad always tells me, it’s that I’ll always be his little girl. No matter how old I get and no matter where life takes me, I can always count on him to be there.

Me with my Dad.
Photos: Brauda Studios

I have a special relationship with my Mama, but I also have one with my Dad; both unique and special in their own ways. I’m the only girl of three children, and I kind of like it that way. I’m the middle child, and both of my brothers have always been protective of me (just like our Dad). We each have our own special relationship with each other and our parents. I know this post is about being a daddy’s girl, but it’s also in honor of our Dad so I just had to show you the three of us together with him so you can see what I’m talking about.

My brothers and I with our Dad.
Photos: Brauda Studios

My Dad has always been a big man. He’s tall and muscular, which always sent the boys running. When I was in school, boys were literally scared of my Dad. I laugh about that now when I look back and think about it. What makes it even more funny, is that he’s actually like a huge teddy bear. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t want to make him mad. In his famous words, if you mess with his little girl, he’ll “tie you in a pretzel.” I’ll let you figure out what that means. To this day, my Mama and I still laugh so hard about that.

My Dad can be so serious at times, but he can really make you laugh at the most unexpected times without even trying. That’s one thing I love about him.

In case you’re wondering where I get some of my silliness from…

I remember us (mom, dad, and I) pulling into the driveway one night from going out to eat. I saw a opossum run across the yard, and being the curious one that I am, I got out of the car to go look at it. Daddy waited until I got close to it and turned the headlights on the car off so that I was in complete darkness. After having what I felt like was a mini heart attack for being alone in the yard with a opossum, where I couldn’t even see, I ran for my life. Then instead of going inside like civilized people would, we decided to go hunt that opossum down. What happened next is going to the grave with the three of us, but every time I look back on that night, I start smiling and laughing. Mama started calling us the Opossum Commanders after that.

Need a possum hunter? Say no more…just call 1-800-opossum commanders. Just kidding, don’t do that.

He has the biggest heart, too. He will do anything to help anyone who needs it. If you don’t know my Dad, he’s a Lineman (General Foreman now–but he still gets out of the office and works with his crew). I’ve seen him work endless hours with no sleep, barely anything to eat, and still stay up to help others out of the goodness of his heart when he didn’t even have to.

He’s always been there to give me his words of advice, a funny story about his own life experiences, and a word of encouragement when I didn’t think I measured up enough. The two biggest things he ever taught me though, was how to love Jesus and what to look for in a husband. Let me tell ya, he set the bar high!

I always wanted to marry someone who was like my Daddy; hard-working, wise, funny, kind-hearted, a southern gentleman, a man who can fix anything that’s broken, selfless, and someone who knows how to grill a mean steak (y’all knew I’d tie food into this somehow).

My Dad giving me away at our wedding.
Photo: Brauda Studios
Can’t you see the love?
Photo: Brauda Studios

I think if you asked my Dad if I found that person, he would tell you I couldn’t have done any better. I’m his little girl, of course, and he knows I’m well taken care of. To be honest, it’s scary sometimes. I can tell Dustin and him the same story (at different times when they’re not together) and they will give the exact same response. That’s just something else for my mom and I to talk and laugh about.

The look on his face says it all. This was during our Unity Ceremony.
Photo: Brauda Studios

He helped make my wedding day so special. He has a classic 1972 Chevrolet truck that he completely re-built. That truck is so special, because he built it in honor of his own dad who is no longer with us. It took him years to finish. I only wish my Papa was here now to see it. Before I got married, I would ride with him in it to car shows sometimes. It was just another way for us to spend time together.

My Dad’s truck.
Photo: Brauda Studios
On the way to a car show downtown.

It touched my heart so much when he told me he would bring it to the wedding to drive me around to the entrance of the aisle. In a way, it was kind of like having a piece of my Papa there with us. He passed when I was younger, but I have so many memories of him. My Dad reminds me a lot of him.

Almost everyone at our wedding said that my Dad driving me in his truck was their favorite part. It brought a lot of tears, I know.

Getting out to walk down the aisle.
Photo: Brauda Studios
As we were walking, I told him that I hope I don’t trip, and he told me he would never let me fall.
Photo: Brauda Studios

Being a daddy’s girl means you always have an ear to listen to your problems, an encourager to motivate you to go after your dreams, a big bear hug waiting on you when you’ve had a rough day, and a protector like no other.

One time, a boy wrote a nasty note to me. Thus the saying, “I’ll tie you in a pretzel,” was born. I remember standing in the kitchen with my parents and handing him the note. I was so scared to give it to him, because Lord have mercy, that boy was about to be in danger. I mean, he was about to get tied in a pretzel for crying out loud. It was a serious moment, but when he said that, my Mom and I couldn’t help it. We lost it. I remember us laughing until we cried. Now it’s a big joke between all of us.

In all seriousness though, he has always shown me a love that only a father can show his daughter. It reminds me of the same love our Heavenly Father shows us. He forgives, loves, encourages, and most importantly, he prays for me. I remember having such bad back pain when I was in high school, and one night I was on the bed crying. He came into my room with my Mom and they had prayer over me. Every surgery I’ve had, he’s taken off of work to come, and he always prays for me before they take me back.

Aside from him being the best Dad, he’s also the best Papa. I love watching him with Austin. He immediately becomes a little kid again and they play their hearts out (and also do things I was never allowed to do as a kid). But that’s what grandparents are for, right?

Austin with Papa Boat.
Austin representing Papa’s big car show.

I realize not everyone is as blessed as I am to have the parents that I have. It makes me sad to think that some kids have dads that treat them badly, or don’t have dads at all. It also breaks my heart to think about those who have already lost their parents. Whether at a young age, or later in life, I can only imagine that it doesn’t hurt any less.

To anyone who is missing their dad, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I’m so thankful my Mom is always taking pictures. She knows that one day her and my Dad will be gone, and pictures and memories are all that us kids will have left.

If your dad is still around, tell him, and better yet, show him how much he means to you. One day you won’t be able to.

My Dad and I when I was only a couple months pregnant with Austin.

To my Daddy, I love you so much. I appreciate your hard work and sacrifices over the years. You have always been dedicated to taking care of us and teaching us what’s really important in life. You make me proud to be your daughter, and I couldn’t imagine this life without you. Ahhhh, love ya Daddy (that’s what I have always said to him from the time I could talk).

Love Always,

Your Little Girl

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  • Lisa

    This is so special. Your Daddy will love this. We are so blessed to have you and your brothers. Love you so much. ❤️

  • Krissy

    Brittany, now I’m crying!!! You are such a special girl and are a true representation of your parents. I miss my dad like crazy bit reading this post makes me realize that I should always focus on his memories, ones with me, my boys, and our friends and family.

    You are very special to me and I love watching you grow in all that you do.


    • Brittany

      Thank you, Krissy!! I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to no longer have him. I’m sure you have great memories of him to look back on. We will see our loved ones again one day. I love you!!!

  • Lorie

    This made me cry too…you guys have definitely been blessed with an amazing set of parents!!! Love you sweet girl! Keep the articles coming!

  • Julia

    What a beautiful tribute! And a beautiful family! I loved reading about his truck at your wedding!! Just saying hello from a new subscriber. =)

    • Brittany

      Thanks so much, Julia! The truck was definitely one of my favorite parts of our wedding. Thank you for reading and subscribing! I’m glad you stopped by to say hey! 🙂

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